Breaking Barriers
“For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.”
Ephesians 2:14
You were created with a purpose. You exist to be a light in your community, a reflection of Christ to those around you.
As globalization makes the world feel smaller and brings cultures closer together, it might be easy to feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable.
Our reflex might be to place barriers between ourselves and diversity, but the gospel compels us to break down these barriers and illuminate the world with the light of Christ. The truth is that this mixing of cultures creates an opportunity for the advancement of the gospel like never before.
This is a call to action and a challenge for you—not to blame you or shame you for inaction, but to empower you with the gospel truth so that you can seize the mission field on your very own doorstep.
Breaking Barriers is a personal and practical guide to help you understand and interact with cultures different than your own. Stefan brings a fresh, personal perspective to remind you what the Bible is already telling you to do.
Included at the end of each chapter are questions for personal reflection or small group discussion.