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Discover the meaning of Lent and its historical origins, from early Christian fasting traditions to its connection with Lent and Easter. Learn about the significance of the Lenten holiday observances like Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, and Good Friday, along with the lent dates and fasting practices across different denominations. Find out how Lent has evolved and how both Catholics and Protestants approach this sacred season today!
The Bible is the Word of God and contains directions for holiness and the important story of God’s plan for redemption. With that, does the Bible leave room for humor, irony, or sarcasm? Absolutely! Here are some examples of sarcasm in the Bible.
Every year as we approach Lent, people ask questions like, “Is Lent biblical,” or “Is Lent for Catholics only?” Let’s answer some of these questions and see what the Bible says about Lent and whether Christians should participate.
Should Christians celebrate Halloween, or does it compromise Christian liberty? Exploring 1 Corinthians 10, we examine whether modern Halloween traditions are comparable to eating meat once offered to idols. Is trick-or-treating harmless fun, or does it blur the lines of faith? Discover a balanced biblical perspective on Christian freedom and Halloween.
While Halloween’s origins in pagan traditions are often cited by critics, its modern celebration has evolved far from its ancient roots. Just as religious holidays like Passover have adapted over time, Halloween’s current form—trick-or-treating and costume-wearing—does not endorse the practices of its early history. Christians can embrace Halloween as an opportunity to engage with their communities, share the Gospel, and celebrate in ways that honor their faith. Rather than avoiding the holiday, consider how it can be transformed into a meaningful, outreach-focused tradition.
What was Jesus’ real name? Historically, Jesus was called Yeshua (יֵשׁוּעַ) in Hebrew and Aramaic, meaning "Yahweh saves." Over time, Yeshua became Iēsous in Greek and later Jesus in English. Understanding His original name deepens our connection to His biblical identity and mission. Learn how Jesus’ name evolved and why it matters in faith and history.
What is the meaning of self-control? Self-control, in essence, has two main parts: The first is our ability to restrain our desires from everything around us which wants to grab our attention and keep us entertained; and, the second is how we can control our tongue and emotions through difficult situations and conflict.
After Abraham defeated his enemies in the desert in Genesis 14, God came to him, and spoke a great encouragement. He told him not to fear, God is his shield, and his reward would be very great. When God makes a promise, he is faithful to deliver.
Hymns & History
Palmer Hartsough wrote “I Am Resolved” as a tribute to Francis Edward Clark. The hymn, written in the late 1800s and first performed as the delegation song for Ohio at the 1896 World Endeavor Convention, expresses a firm commitment to abandon worldly pleasures and sin, choosing instead to follow Jesus, the true and just source of life. It emphasizes an eagerness and joy in coming to Jesus, acknowledging Him as the greatest and highest.

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Bible Study Tools & Resources
What was Jesus’ real name? Historically, Jesus was called Yeshua (יֵשׁוּעַ) in Hebrew and Aramaic, meaning "Yahweh saves." Over time, Yeshua became Iēsous in Greek and later Jesus in English. Understanding His original name deepens our connection to His biblical identity and mission. Learn how Jesus’ name evolved and why it matters in faith and history.
Spending time in the Word is important, and if you’re looking to maximize a plan for spending quality time in Scripture, these 3 best Bible reading apps can help you find a schedule and reading plan that works for you.
I love Christmas. Of course the Christmas story is found in passages like Luke 2, but did you know that references to the birth of Christ can be found all over? Here are 7 Christmas verses you may not know.
Is it true that we have to read our Bible every single day? What are some healthy expectations when it comes to Bible disciplines?
So you’re ready to get back into the Bible, eh? Overwhelmed by the options available in the Bible version and translation department? Have no fear, here’s a quick guide to get you off to the right start.
Stories & Testimonies
All pain tells a story. The type of transformation we experience through the pain determines the kind of story we tell. What story does your pain tell?
The Bible says that if we ask for healing, God is willing and able to do so. What happens to our faith when He doesn’t?
My freshman year of college was memorable to say the least. This is the start of my story, the beginning of accepting that I have an invisible disability. Issues like this are becoming more and more common, so let’s bring awareness to the reality of chronic pain and disabilities that hide beneath the surface.
Family & Fostering
Sometimes we completely forget to live in the moment because we’re too busy capturing the moment. It’s okay to want to save a memory or two, but make sure you remember to be there as well.
Fostering is not for me. And you know what? It’s actually not for you either.
Without fail, Lincoln does this one thing every single night before bed. We could all learn a lesson from him.
Rest is hard. Trust is harder. I think they often go hand in hand, as the more we find ourselves comfortable with rest, the more we trust in God’s provision instead.
I had an unexpected parenting win the other day, but it changed my whole perspective. How did this day become “the best day ever”?
Though Lent isn’t specifically mentioned in the Bible, you can find many of the lenten practices there. Find Lent in the Bible with these 10 Bible verses for Lent that guide us in reflection, repentance, and renewal. Lent is a season to draw closer to God, turn away from distractions, and deepen our faith. These Bible verses about Lent highlight fasting, prayer, and spiritual transformation—helping us understand the true meaning of Lent. Whether you're seeking inspiration or practical guidance, these passages will enrich your Lenten journey.