Video 2: Finding the Time


As a society, we are busier than ever before.

Our spiritual disciplines take the brunt of our busy schedules as well, where church engagement has become optional in lieu of sports tournaments, schoolwork, and extra-curricular activities. I hear students often say they aren't able to come to church because they have too much homework. Where does that place church in the order of importance?

Cameron Frank

Cameron Frank is the Media Pastor at Cherokee Hills Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. He enjoys finding new and exciting ways to use technology and innovations to reach people with the Gospel like never before. In 2017, he founded A Frank Voice with his wife, Hailee as a encouragement ministry to families impacted by fostering. A Frank Voice has since grown into a ministry focused on helping others find freedom and purpose in faith and family.

Video 1: Why Memorize Scripture?


Video 3: How to Memorize Scripture