What Is Lent?

What Is Lent?

Discover the meaning of Lent and its historical origins, from early Christian fasting traditions to its connection with Lent and Easter. Learn about the significance of the Lenten holiday observances like Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, and Good Friday, along with the lent dates and fasting practices across different denominations. Find out how Lent has evolved and how both Catholics and Protestants approach this sacred season today!

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Christian Liberty and Halloween
Devotional & Inspirational Corben Horton Devotional & Inspirational Corben Horton

Christian Liberty and Halloween

Should Christians celebrate Halloween, or does it compromise Christian liberty? Exploring 1 Corinthians 10, we examine whether modern Halloween traditions are comparable to eating meat once offered to idols. Is trick-or-treating harmless fun, or does it blur the lines of faith? Discover a balanced biblical perspective on Christian freedom and Halloween.

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Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Devotional & Inspirational Corben Horton Devotional & Inspirational Corben Horton

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

While Halloween’s origins in pagan traditions are often cited by critics, its modern celebration has evolved far from its ancient roots. Just as religious holidays like Passover have adapted over time, Halloween’s current form—trick-or-treating and costume-wearing—does not endorse the practices of its early history. Christians can embrace Halloween as an opportunity to engage with their communities, share the Gospel, and celebrate in ways that honor their faith. Rather than avoiding the holiday, consider how it can be transformed into a meaningful, outreach-focused tradition.

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Bible Verses About Joy
Devotional & Inspirational Preston Norman Devotional & Inspirational Preston Norman

Bible Verses About Joy

We experience this fullness of joy when we’re abiding in the life-giving truths and practices of the Lord. When we’re regularly in His word, approaching him in earnest prayer, and gathering with His people, we will know joy that surpasses all else.

Here are 17 Bible verses that tell us about how to find biblical joy.

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7 Bible Verses for Love
Devotional & Inspirational Cameron Frank Devotional & Inspirational Cameron Frank

7 Bible Verses for Love

The Bible says a lot more about love than just 1 Corinthians 13, and there is a lot more to biblical love than just marriage advice.

Love informs how all of our relationships should function. Love is the basis for our relationship with God. In fact, the Bible even tells us that God is love—love is an essential and inseparable part of God’s character.

Let’s take a journey through what the Bible tells us about love and how we can apply it to our own lives.

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