Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer
In "Practicing the Way," John Mark Comer explains how to become apprentices of Jesus in a world that constantly shapes us. By adopting a Rule of Life—practices that create space for God—we can transform into his likeness. This book blends theological depth, cultural insight, and practical advice to help you develop your own Rule of Life. Learn to follow the Way of Jesus, be with him, become like him, and do as he did.

Principles of Leadership for every believer
Discover the timeless wisdom and practical guidance found in "Spiritual Leadership" by Sanders. Learn from the lives of great leaders, navigate challenges, and gain valuable insights into effective leadership. A must-read for aspiring leaders and all believers seeking to enhance their leadership skills.

A Timeless Guide to Winning Souls for Christ
Discover the wisdom and practical guidance of Charles Spurgeon in "The Soul Winner." This timeless book equips believers with powerful methods and inspiration to fulfill their divine calling of leading souls to Christ. Whether you're a layperson, church leader, or Sunday school teacher, Soul Winner will empower you to become a wise and effective soul winner. Don't miss the opportunity to leave an eternal impact on the lives of others.

A Mercifully Short Book about a Really Big Problem
The book is not a quick fix for an overburdened schedule, but it will provide readers with a new perspective on their busyness and offer practical solutions.
With the help of DeYoung's insights and by the grace of God, our busyness might become more like that of Jesus himself: intensely active but always according to the priorities his Father had given him.

Chase the Lion by Mark Batterson
If your dream doesn’t scare you, it’s too small. Sometimes we limit the potential God created in us because we think small. God is doing amazing things, are you ready to join Him?

The surprising solution to overthinking
Your brain is constantly trying to sabotage you with negative soundtracks that limit your potential. With Soundtracks, you can learn how to turn that speed bump into a super power.

Don't Give Up Yet! | Before You Quit by Doug Gehman
If we’re being honest with ourselves, most of us struggle to see goals through from time to time. But why is that? What makes some goals so difficult to see through to the end? And what motivation is there for us to see them through? Doug Gehman answers these and many other questions about how and why we should pursue our goals in his book Before You Quit.

Life on Purpose | Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper
Often in life we find ourselves in a moment of existential crisis. “What does it mean? Why am I here? What is my purpose?” As believers, we can take comfort in knowing that the answer to those questions is “to live a life that is pleasing to God, and bring glory to his name.” But it goes deeper than that.

Design and Dignity | Every Good Endeavor by Tim Keller
God created the concept of work as a part of our design and dignity as humans. Even before the fall, there was work. The Gospel our culture preaches is to find ways to not work anymore, but that isn’t part of God’s design for us.

The Future Belongs to Finishers | Finish by Jon Acuff
If you're a person that likes to get things done, Jon Acuff’s Finish is probably a good book for you. You’ll find inspiration and learn principles for owning your goals in ways you never thought possible.