What Was Jesus’ Real Name?
What was Jesus’ real name? Historically, Jesus was called Yeshua (יֵשׁוּעַ) in Hebrew and Aramaic, meaning "Yahweh saves." Over time, Yeshua became Iēsous in Greek and later Jesus in English. Understanding His original name deepens our connection to His biblical identity and mission. Learn how Jesus’ name evolved and why it matters in faith and history.

The 3 best Bible Reading Apps in 2024
Spending time in the Word is important, and if you’re looking to maximize a plan for spending quality time in Scripture, these 3 best Bible reading apps can help you find a schedule and reading plan that works for you.

7 Bible Verses for Christmas You Might Not Know
I love Christmas. Of course the Christmas story is found in passages like Luke 2, but did you know that references to the birth of Christ can be found all over? Here are 7 Christmas verses you may not know.

How Often Should I Read My Bible?
Is it true that we have to read our Bible every single day? What are some healthy expectations when it comes to Bible disciplines?

Which Bible Translation Should I Use?
So you’re ready to get back into the Bible, eh? Overwhelmed by the options available in the Bible version and translation department? Have no fear, here’s a quick guide to get you off to the right start.

What is the RANSOM Bible Study Method?
The intent of RANSOM is to help us read Scripture thoughtfully, apply it personally, and interpret it theologically.

What Are the 7 Arrows for Bible Reading?
How does the 7 Arrows for Bible Study method work? This method places an emphasis on a deeper examination of the passage in its own context, and the different ways that it communicates to us.

What is an Inductive Bible Study?
In short, an inductive Bible study is a simple, effective way to examine the Scriptures with the proper context and application.

How to Study the Bible with S.O.A.P.
You may have heard of the S.O.A.P. Bible Study method. It’s a simple, effective way to study the Word, especially for new believers. Let’s dive in and see what it’s all about!

Contradictions in the Gospel Accounts
In the 4th and final installment of this series on biblical contradictions, we examine supposed contradictions in the Gospel accounts, and how we can reconcile these as believers.

Biblical Narrative Contradictions?
In Part 3 of this series on biblical contradictions, we examine questions like “Will the earth last forever?” and “Is Jesus the only man to have ever ascended into heaven?”

Are There Contradictions In God's Character? (Part 2)
In Part 2 of this series on biblical contradictions, we examine questions like “Is God the author of evil?” and “Does God delight in burnt offerings?”