Four days into fostering our first set, and I knew that my period wasn't "just late". I didn't want to take the test. This wasn't part of the plan I had submitted to, and I wasn't ready for those next steps. But with each passing day, the unknown kept gnawing at me and I decided to just pee on the stick. Positive.

Mother's Day - Acts 20:24
Hello, babies. As Mother's Day approaches, all I can think about is you. How old you would be now if you were alive. How far along I would be if you had made it. All I have is one ultrasound picture that is proof you lived at one point. There's no evidence I'm a mom, just that one picture and that's it.

Ain't Over Yet
Endurance is hard. When you’re tired, life has a good way of kicking you where it hurts. When dealing with hardship like miscarriages and infertility, how do we know when to give up?