Take a Picture... or Don't
Sometimes we completely forget to live in the moment because we’re too busy capturing the moment. It’s okay to want to save a memory or two, but make sure you remember to be there as well.

Fostering is Not for Me
Fostering is not for me. And you know what? It’s actually not for you either.

What I Learned About Cleanliness from a 2-Year-Old
Without fail, Lincoln does this one thing every single night before bed. We could all learn a lesson from him.

Do You Trust God Enough to Rest?
Rest is hard. Trust is harder. I think they often go hand in hand, as the more we find ourselves comfortable with rest, the more we trust in God’s provision instead.

How Frogs, Crawdads, and Soccer Changed My Perspective
I had an unexpected parenting win the other day, but it changed my whole perspective. How did this day become “the best day ever”?

Want To Change
Some lessons in life we just don’t learn until we’re absolutely assaulted by their harsh realities. The importance of being willing to change for your spouse, and being mature enough to understand why that’s not a bad thing, is one of those things.

Video Games and Values
Even at 21 months, my son is trying to figure out where he lands in my list of priorities. He doesn’t know he’s doing that, of course, but something deep inside him wants to answer that unspoken question.

How to Save Memories in Just 3 Minutes a Day
I recently stumbled upon a really cool resource that will change the way I keep track of memories for me and for my kids.

Getting Over It
Last week I experienced a moment I had been warned about and had irrationally feared, because I wasn’t sure how I would handle it. You see, I generally approach feelings the same way Hank Hill does, and that is to not approach them at all.

Wedding Day
You see, for us it looks like we’re about to be planning a funeral. But the Bible tells us that in heaven it’s going to look a whole lot like a wedding.