What Story Does Your Pain Tell?
All pain tells a story. The type of transformation we experience through the pain determines the kind of story we tell. What story does your pain tell?

Not Abandoned: Keeping Faith as a Disabled Christian
The Bible says that if we ask for healing, God is willing and able to do so. What happens to our faith when He doesn’t?

When the Pain Began | Dealing with Disability
My freshman year of college was memorable to say the least. This is the start of my story, the beginning of accepting that I have an invisible disability. Issues like this are becoming more and more common, so let’s bring awareness to the reality of chronic pain and disabilities that hide beneath the surface.

A Story of Change
We can work and toil and serve and spend all of our time doing good things, but ultimately miss the thing: Jesus. Preston recently realized that despite all of his working and serving, he was missing a genuine, repentant faith in Jesus.

Getting Over It
Last week I experienced a moment I had been warned about and had irrationally feared, because I wasn’t sure how I would handle it. You see, I generally approach feelings the same way Hank Hill does, and that is to not approach them at all.

Wedding Day
You see, for us it looks like we’re about to be planning a funeral. But the Bible tells us that in heaven it’s going to look a whole lot like a wedding.

Of Chance and Championships
This is the odd tale of how I became a state champion, and the lesson I’ll never forget.

This Is More Than a Picture
Something interesting popped up on my Facebook memories yesterday, a picture I’d completely forgotten about in the 10 years since I posted it. It may not look like much to you, but there’s a bigger story behind it.

Is This Your First?
Oh, you. When you woke up this morning, you had no idea that you would meet me. You, a perfectly decent stranger, saw a pregnant lady waddling around and thought, "I bet she hasn't talked about her baby for a few minutes. Let me ask a completely innocent question to break that ice for her."