Where Is the Christian Nation?
We hear it all the time: America is a Christian nation. But what does that really mean, and is it really true? Where is the Christian nation?

Does Christianity Come With Benefits?
Should we expect any special treatment for being Christians? Will God bless believers any more or less than non-Christians this side of heaven?

Fostering is Not for Me
Fostering is not for me. And you know what? It’s actually not for you either.

How to Find Purpose in Faith and Family
Purpose is really important to us at A Frank Voice. Our mission is to help you find freedom and purpose in faith and family. This is the second part of our mission series discussing how we see our mission and the importance of it.

How to Find Freedom in Faith and Family
At A Frank Voice we are all about freedom and purpose in faith and family. Let’s look at what it means to find freedom in faith and family.

Whatever Happened to...
Here it is. This is the one. After two years of running this blog, it seems I finally have a topic that might ruffle some feathers.

But Tonight Was Different
If you've spent any amount of time with us, you know fostering/parenting has taught us a whole slew of things. I thought I was pretty awesome before fostering, and now I'm re-realizing just how sinful I still am. The Lord has revealed to me the hidden sins of my heart and just how deeply rooted they are. Every single day is a battle and I am in awe of you parents who have been in this for years.

The Thief
I feel like a thief. Last week, our youngest foster child stood on her own for the first time. Yesterday, she learned how to wave, and uses the gesture to say hi at all the right times and everything. Next week, she'll probably be walking. These are beautiful moments—milestone moments—in the life of a child.