God Is Faithful to Deliver
After Abraham defeated his enemies in the desert in Genesis 14, God came to him, and spoke a great encouragement. He told him not to fear, God is his shield, and his reward would be very great. When God makes a promise, he is faithful to deliver.

Do You Trust God Enough to Rest?
Rest is hard. Trust is harder. I think they often go hand in hand, as the more we find ourselves comfortable with rest, the more we trust in God’s provision instead.

How I Learned Obedience from a Fish
Peter pulls a coin from a fish’s mouth. What that act says about how I should live speaks volumes.

Set Free in 2019
It’s a brand new year, and that means brand new goals. We’re supposed to make goals. We’re supposed to share them. We’re supposed to stress over them. And we’re supposed to fizzle out in mid-February. No? Just me? Oh… well then.