7 Bible Verses for Christmas You Might Not Know
I love Christmas. Of course the Christmas story is found in passages like Luke 2, but did you know that references to the birth of Christ can be found all over? Here are 7 Christmas verses you may not know.

Be Fruitful
Sometimes we think that being fruitful and being busy are the same thing. But in Philippians 1, Paul doesn’t equate a fruitful life with busyness. A fruitful life will honor Christ and magnify the gospel. What does your life look like?

What It Means to Be Saved
Have you ever thought about what it means to be saved? Or better yet, how can you know that you have become a child of God? You may often hear the saying of “Just believe!” but is this really it? What does it mean to be saved and to put your faith in Jesus?

Bible Verses About Joy
We experience this fullness of joy when we’re abiding in the life-giving truths and practices of the Lord. When we’re regularly in His word, approaching him in earnest prayer, and gathering with His people, we will know joy that surpasses all else.
Here are 17 Bible verses that tell us about how to find biblical joy.

7 Bible Verses for Love
The Bible says a lot more about love than just 1 Corinthians 13, and there is a lot more to biblical love than just marriage advice.
Love informs how all of our relationships should function. Love is the basis for our relationship with God. In fact, the Bible even tells us that God is love—love is an essential and inseparable part of God’s character.
Let’s take a journey through what the Bible tells us about love and how we can apply it to our own lives.

The Fruit of the Spirit
The Fruits of the Spirit are the spiritual markers that every believer should display in some way as evidence of the change that the Holy Spirit is working in them. Paul’s intent here was to remind the believers in Galatia that when the Spirit is at work in work in their lives, it will be evident.

Was Moses Real? and Why this question matters
Was Moses real? It’s growing increasingly common to question the more fantastical portions of Scripture, and ask questions like “Did Moses exist”? Here’s why we should believe that he was a real person.

How Does the Holy Spirit Work?
Who is the Holy Spirit? What does he do? How can we see him work in our every day lives?

What Lessons Can We Learn From Lent?
We’re a distracted, frenetic culture. We’re busy and unfocused. But Lent can be a season of refreshing and refocusing. I want to give you permission to pause.

How Often Should I Read My Bible?
Is it true that we have to read our Bible every single day? What are some healthy expectations when it comes to Bible disciplines?

Which Bible Translation Should I Use?
So you’re ready to get back into the Bible, eh? Overwhelmed by the options available in the Bible version and translation department? Have no fear, here’s a quick guide to get you off to the right start.

Life advice from 2nd corinthians 13
We live in a divided culture. Everyone has differing opinions about nearly everything, and any one of them can be a sensitive, personal issue. How can we, as Christians, model love for one another in this charged climate? Stefan Johnsson has a great verse for that today.