It Takes A Village

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind! We've received several calls and been told countless times a kiddo is on their way. We've also been told, "Just kidding! We're going with someone else." We've had to turn down calls because we aren't prepared for what they need. We've frantically shopped Walmart and Target hoping we got all that we need so that this kid won't hate life in our home. All these things we've done on our own, and I'm telling you, we would have failed day one if it weren't for you.

You helped us more ways than you can imagine.

Did you know babies like to be swaddled and you'll sleep 10x better if you do so? I didn't! But you did, and not only did you share that bit of knowledge with me, you shared your swaddles and your pacis.

Children like to eat, and boy were we ill prepared to feed a child. Fun fact: You will have better luck beating your head through a wall than getting a kid to eat zucchini. But you brought us meals and desserts that kids like and will actually eat!

We had absolutely NO clothes, but you gave beyond what was even necessary. You poured through your attic or storage and gave us clothes, toiletries, blankets, bibs, cribs, bouncy seats, you name it, you brought it.

You gave us books and storage. You gave us support. You prayed for us. You listened to me cry about failing them.

Guys, I am firmly convinced I have not helped take care of these kids. It's all been you. You have surrounded us and supported us beyond what I hoped for. Guys, I'm not an emotional person. But as I'm writing and thinking of all you have done for us, I'm getting teary eyed. And that does not happen! Emotions are not my thing. But you have been so amazing and so supportive that I can't help but feel overwhelmed as I think of all the things you have done to help these kiddos.

Thank you, guys, for doing what we could not do. Thank you for helping us, loving on us, praying for us, sharing with us, and being ready at a moment's notice.

It takes a village and I am so thankful for my village. None of you are allowed to leave. All of you have to stay (lookin' at you Clarks).

Thank you for being our village. If I ever look crazed or confused, just remind me that it's going to be ok. And if you waft coffee in front of my face that normally brings me back to some semblance of life.

Acts 2:42-47

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.  All the believers were together and had everything in common.  They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.  Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved

Hailee Frank

Hailee is the Preschool Director at Cherokee Hills Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. She is passionate about teaching little ones the love of Jesus, serving the church, and blessing the community.


The Thief


Signed Sealed Delivered