Take a Picture... or Don't
Sometimes we completely forget to live in the moment because we’re too busy capturing the moment. It’s okay to want to save a memory or two, but make sure you remember to be there as well.

Fostering is Not for Me
Fostering is not for me. And you know what? It’s actually not for you either.

What I Learned About Cleanliness from a 2-Year-Old
Without fail, Lincoln does this one thing every single night before bed. We could all learn a lesson from him.

How to Find Purpose in Faith and Family
Purpose is really important to us at A Frank Voice. Our mission is to help you find freedom and purpose in faith and family. This is the second part of our mission series discussing how we see our mission and the importance of it.

Video Games and Values
Even at 21 months, my son is trying to figure out where he lands in my list of priorities. He doesn’t know he’s doing that, of course, but something deep inside him wants to answer that unspoken question.

How to Save Memories in Just 3 Minutes a Day
I recently stumbled upon a really cool resource that will change the way I keep track of memories for me and for my kids.

Wave-tossed and War-torn
If I’m being honest, it’s been a tough couple weeks. I’ve missed a few posts, and here’s why.

Whose Kids Are You Raising?
So far, our experiences in parenting are pretty different than our experiences from fostering. I’m sure we could fill volumes with all the differences, but today I want to look at one of the ways it’s actually the same.

Instagram, Snapchat, and Shutting Down the Internet
Let’s get real for just a minute about what we do online.

For Just A Little While
You are a person. Actual and whole. Though your body is small and your personality meek, your soul is so big. God has known you for awhile and has created your beautiful soul in the image of His own. You are His child. We just get to watch you for a little while.

But Tonight Was Different
If you've spent any amount of time with us, you know fostering/parenting has taught us a whole slew of things. I thought I was pretty awesome before fostering, and now I'm re-realizing just how sinful I still am. The Lord has revealed to me the hidden sins of my heart and just how deeply rooted they are. Every single day is a battle and I am in awe of you parents who have been in this for years.

A Time to Ignore
I've always been told that when you become a parent, you learn things about God that you might never see otherwise. I have certainly found that to be true, but what I didn't expect was the lessons I would learn about myself.