God Is Faithful to Deliver
After Abraham defeated his enemies in the desert in Genesis 14, God came to him, and spoke a great encouragement. He told him not to fear, God is his shield, and his reward would be very great. When God makes a promise, he is faithful to deliver.

The One Where We Talk About Masks
Sometimes opinions are a good thing. But we’re pretty good at taking them too far. Do you have an opinion about masks? There’s a good chance you’ve taken it too far.

Where Is the Christian Nation?
We hear it all the time: America is a Christian nation. But what does that really mean, and is it really true? Where is the Christian nation?

Where Is Your First Love?
When Jesus is the center of our hope, the truth of the gospel penetrates everything that we do. If we want to see the Kingdom of God magnified, we need to remember our first love—the hope of the gospel—and pass our faith on through the generations.

Contradictions in the Gospel Accounts
In the 4th and final installment of this series on biblical contradictions, we examine supposed contradictions in the Gospel accounts, and how we can reconcile these as believers.

Biblical Narrative Contradictions?
In Part 3 of this series on biblical contradictions, we examine questions like “Will the earth last forever?” and “Is Jesus the only man to have ever ascended into heaven?”

Are There Contradictions In God's Character? (Part 2)
In Part 2 of this series on biblical contradictions, we examine questions like “Is God the author of evil?” and “Does God delight in burnt offerings?”

Does Christianity Come With Benefits?
Should we expect any special treatment for being Christians? Will God bless believers any more or less than non-Christians this side of heaven?

Are There Contradictions in God's Character? (Part 1)
The Bible contains over 30,000 verses, written over a span of around 4,000 years by men of varying experiences and cultures. It’s no wonder, then, that when reading scripture through the lens of our own context and experiences, things begin to pop out that seem to contradict each other. But Scripture is perfect, how can this be true? Read on as Stephen begins to unpack and refute some of the common “discrepancies” we see in scripture.

What Story Does Your Pain Tell?
All pain tells a story. The type of transformation we experience through the pain determines the kind of story we tell. What story does your pain tell?

Not Abandoned: Keeping Faith as a Disabled Christian
The Bible says that if we ask for healing, God is willing and able to do so. What happens to our faith when He doesn’t?

When the Pain Began | Dealing with Disability
My freshman year of college was memorable to say the least. This is the start of my story, the beginning of accepting that I have an invisible disability. Issues like this are becoming more and more common, so let’s bring awareness to the reality of chronic pain and disabilities that hide beneath the surface.