The 3 best Bible Reading Apps in 2024
Spending time in the Word is important, and if you’re looking to maximize a plan for spending quality time in Scripture, these 3 best Bible reading apps can help you find a schedule and reading plan that works for you.

Spiritual Milk… but Not That Kind
Have you ever asked, “Why do people run to the store for milk and bread when the weather gets bad?” It’s a part of our nature. We do the same thing when it comes to our spiritual lives.

3 (Good) Reasons Your Church Isn't Growing
If your church isn't growing, it doesn't always mean something is wrong, it could mean something is right. I know for a lot of us church leaders, church growth is, well, it's an idol. Let's be honest, it's an idol. It's tough on our egos when our church isn't growing or is getting smaller. Sometimes it is an indication that something isn't going right, but that's not always the case.

3 Reasons Bible Memory is Hard (and 3 Ways to Make it Easier)
Bible memory is tough. We all know we should do a better job of it, but it’s easier said than done. Here are a few common road blocks and what we can do to work through them.

What Story Does Your Pain Tell?
All pain tells a story. The type of transformation we experience through the pain determines the kind of story we tell. What story does your pain tell?

When the Pain Began | Dealing with Disability
My freshman year of college was memorable to say the least. This is the start of my story, the beginning of accepting that I have an invisible disability. Issues like this are becoming more and more common, so let’s bring awareness to the reality of chronic pain and disabilities that hide beneath the surface.

Stop Faking It
Avoid recreational Christianity. Avoid compartmentalized faith. Stop faking it.