Are There Contradictions in God's Character? (Part 1)
Tools & Resources Stephen Brown Tools & Resources Stephen Brown

Are There Contradictions in God's Character? (Part 1)

The Bible contains over 30,000 verses, written over a span of around 4,000 years by men of varying experiences and cultures. It’s no wonder, then, that when reading scripture through the lens of our own context and experiences, things begin to pop out that seem to contradict each other. But Scripture is perfect, how can this be true? Read on as Stephen begins to unpack and refute some of the common “discrepancies” we see in scripture.

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3 (Good) Reasons Your Church Isn't Growing
Ministry & Leadership Nathan Drake Ministry & Leadership Nathan Drake

3 (Good) Reasons Your Church Isn't Growing

If your church isn't growing, it doesn't always mean something is wrong, it could mean something is right. I know for a lot of us church leaders, church growth is, well, it's an idol. Let's be honest, it's an idol. It's tough on our egos when our church isn't growing or is getting smaller. Sometimes it is an indication that something isn't going right, but that's not always the case.

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