Whose Kids Are You Raising?
So far, our experiences in parenting are pretty different than our experiences from fostering. I’m sure we could fill volumes with all the differences, but today I want to look at one of the ways it’s actually the same.

Important to Dad
Sometimes I’m an awesome dad, and then sometimes I’m too busy. If that’s not a gut-punch, I don’t know what is.

Spiritual Malnutrition
We waste too much time comfortably waiting to be fed. Maybe it’s time to grow up and feed ourselves.

For Just A Little While
You are a person. Actual and whole. Though your body is small and your personality meek, your soul is so big. God has known you for awhile and has created your beautiful soul in the image of His own. You are His child. We just get to watch you for a little while.

Lincoln: Day 1
The Lord has been great to us this day! Let me tell you about it.
After about 17 hours of labor, Lincoln Scott Frank was born just under 8 pounds and just over 20 inches. He is beautiful, has a great disposition, and is already a strong little trooper.

I Love You
You and I don’t celebrate Valentines Day. Not because we want to make a statement or because we don’t love each other, we just genuinely don’t think about it and move on with our day. As the days approach to Lincoln, I can’t help but be overwhelmed with how much love I have for both of you.

Prepare in the Waiting
I like to plan. I don't hate the unexpected as much as other planner-types, but I definitely find comfort in knowing there's a structure. I don't sleep well if I feel like my ducks aren't all in a row. I don't particularly know why I want ducks in a row, but I know if I don't, I'll start quacking at the seams. Okay, that was bad.

Is This Your First?
Oh, you. When you woke up this morning, you had no idea that you would meet me. You, a perfectly decent stranger, saw a pregnant lady waddling around and thought, "I bet she hasn't talked about her baby for a few minutes. Let me ask a completely innocent question to break that ice for her."

But Tonight Was Different
If you've spent any amount of time with us, you know fostering/parenting has taught us a whole slew of things. I thought I was pretty awesome before fostering, and now I'm re-realizing just how sinful I still am. The Lord has revealed to me the hidden sins of my heart and just how deeply rooted they are. Every single day is a battle and I am in awe of you parents who have been in this for years.

A Time to Ignore
I've always been told that when you become a parent, you learn things about God that you might never see otherwise. I have certainly found that to be true, but what I didn't expect was the lessons I would learn about myself.

After three miscarriages, that becomes your new norm. Not that you look forward to losing your child, but it's what you're "comfortable" in. You brace yourself when you go to the doctor and tell yourself, "It'll be ok if he's dead, it'll be ok if he's dead..." Your mind looks for new signs/symptoms every day to prepare yourself for the worst.

Today Was Supposed to Be Different
For those of you who read this blog, you probably know me and see me quite often. You see me (or Cameron) with our little and see a family who kind of has it together. There are things you don't see, however. Like today. Today should have been a fun day. Today, we went to the zoo with some friends. Today, we ran errands and made good choices. Today should have been a fun day. It was not.